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Support Ministries Hosted at All Saints'

AA / Alanon

Meets Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6pm.


Meets Monday and Friday mornings at 8:30 am. Monday and Thursday evenings at 6pm.

Grief Support

The parish’s Grief Support Group meets the third Thursday of each month from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. in the parish parlor. It is led by The Rt. Rev. Sam Hulsey, retired bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas, and is sponsored by All Saints’ Stephen Ministry.


The group is open to any person grieving the loss of a loved one, and offers a safe, confidential setting in which to share stories, receive help dealing with some of the legal and financial problems that can arise, and be in fellowship with others who are walking the same path.


For more information, contact Janie Rector at or at 817-444-5954.

Career Transition Workshop

The stress and depression of unemployment and underemployment can be overwhelming – things begin to look hopeless, and it seems you are helpless to do anything about it.


That’s where the Career Transition Workshop can help! This ongoing 12-week course will do three things for you: help you gain a brighter outlook during this dark time; assist you in targeting your ideal job and career path; provide you with the skills you need to land that dream job.


The program really works! The workshop meets each Monday from 6-9 p.m. in DeWolfe Hall. Facilitated by a team of church members and employment professionals headed by Maureen Walkinshaw.


To find out more about the workshop, contact Maureen Walkinshaw at

Stephen Ministry


Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. 


Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of specialized training to provide the best Christian care possible for those in crises.  The ministers are matched up in same gender relationships and all sharing is strictly confidential.


Our Stephen Ministry here at All Saints is an active and vital part of the pastoral care that is given by our church.  We are fortunate to have several experienced leaders.  All Stephen Ministry Leaders undergo an additional 50 hours of intense training from the staff of Stephen Ministry headquarters in St. Louis Missouri.


If you or anyone you know, is in need of a Stephen Minister, please contact us to talk.

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